Monday, March 25, 2019

Comparing the Poetry of Gary Snyder and Ruth Stone Essay -- Comparison

Comparing the Poetry of Gary Snyder and pathos S savorGary Snyder is not only a poet, but a sermoniser of sorts. His poems carry powerful messages nigh get back to your roots. His poems contain significant themes of anti-consumerism and spirituality. Facts is a short piece consisting of facts on consumerism in America. This piece warns of the dangers of everywhere consumption and lack of moderation. In some cases, however, Snyder does appear far to a fault extreme in his views, equal in By Frazier Creek f only where is says We could live on this Earth / Without clothes or tools. This theme of primitiveness is a common theme in Snyders poetry. Many of his poems are about nature and the uncivilized human beings. the settings of his poems are often woods, lakes, mountain trails, or other(a) similar uninhabited uncultivated areas. Snyders poetry is sometimes political activism in disguise. Four Changes is less like a poem and more like an environmental extremists manifesto. Each of the changes closes with a suggestion of what type of social or political action to take in order to make the said(prenominal) change occur.Loss is a major theme in shame perditions poetry, although her poems are rarely depressing as one might have from loss poems. Instead, her poems contain a bitter yet sharp tone of humor. She writes about the loss of her husband, old lovers, her mother, and the past. Stone also writes about the dangers of getting too caught up in the modern world and losing touch with our roots. In The Solution she refers to My friend the Supermarket which brings her gratification in several ways. In berce white plague she writes about babies who kiss their computer goodnight and tells how they program computers after putting on thei... ...aired Mother and writes many poems about mothers.Both Snyder and Stone make use of strong concrete images in their poems. In The Bath Snyder appeals to almost all in all of the senses by talking about the crackle of waterdrops and the scent of cedar and his wife entering the sauna, letting in cool air. In Simplicity Stones intense use of adjectives and figurative language creates strong images in the readers mind. She describes her surroundings as wrinkled skin on a cup of boiled milk an describes the waters powerful flow.The writings of two poets can be described as both simple and complex at the same time, just like the world theyre writing about. While on a purely real level you may be reading about loss, family, traveling, or nature, all of the poems have a deeper meaning about these topics that the poet leaves the reader to discover.

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